Donate to all of your favorite charities and explore the causes you care about

Manage all of your donations and favorite charities in one easy-to-use account!

Choose how your donation is spent when you give to a transparent charity!

Transactions are made through Stripe, so you can rest assured your information is secure!

How it works


Explore the causes you are passionate about or find a specific charity you have in mind


Select the charity you choose to donate to and learn more about it


Either make a general donation or donation towards a specific expense if the charity has posted one or more bills. Learn about transparency


Keep track of all your charitable donations, favorite causes and favorite charities

Feel good

We are your home base for all things donations and ensure the security of your money with Stripe, so you can focus on doing good and feeling good

About Us

What is Charity Block?

Charity Block is a centralized donating platform for donors and charities designed to maximize the impact of charitable donations.

What do we believe?

We believe in humanity’s intrinsic desire to create meaningful change in the world around us. We are here to build upon that intrinsic desire and make generosity more efficient and impactful than ever before.

How do we DO IT?

We strive to maximize the impact of generosity by designing our platform with three key principles in mind: Simplicity, Transparency and Security.


Charity Block’s principle of simplicity makes the process of donating easier than ever. We are the first platform that allows you to explore, select, and donate directly to any of the 1.5 million US charities (and counting!), all in one place. But we don’t stop there. With your Charity Block account, you can manage all of your donations to track your generosity and make tax preparation a breeze. In this day and age donating to charity should be as easy as possible. It’s as simple as that.


Charity Block’s principle of transparency builds trust among donors by shedding light on how their money is spent. Charities can post their bills for specific projects or expenses on their donation page, allowing donors to not only make general donations, but also choose exactly where each dollar they donate goes within a charity. This holds charities accountable for spending the money they raise more efficiently. Ultimately, it’s a win-win. If you’re a donor you can rest assured your money is being spent wisely and if you’re a charity donors are more likely to financially support your cause.


Charity Block’s principle of security ensures that every transaction and piece of sensitive information on our platform is safe. Charity Block technology has the highest level of PCI certification available so that you can put your mind at ease and focus on making a positive impact on the world.